I may not be the right fit for you, and that's ok! I genuinely hope you find the right person and process to work through whatever is challenging you. Here's a list of wonderful people I've worked with over the years in some way or another. These are all knowledgeable, compassionate souls. I have loads of praise for each of them. Perhaps one of them will resonate with you.

Dan Rindler: Feldenkrais and Somatic Experiencing

Anat Meiri: Feldenkrais

Andrew Gibbons: One of my main Feldenkrais teachers

Candy Conino: Feldenkrais, Physical Therapist, Spine Specialist

Arielle Javitch: Meditation

Jack Kornfield: Meditation. He has some wonderful online courses on his website

Ariel Giaretto: Sex education and Somatic Experiencing

Leah Ives: Massage. I haven't seen Leah in years but she has a magical touch and she helped me through a rough period

KJ Holmes: Body Mind Centering practitioner and beloved dance teacher. I also haven't seen KJ in years. She also has a magical touch and helped me through a rough patch

Dr. Laura Markham: Parenting therapist. I've taken her online parenting course and found it very helpful. Parenting is hard!