Headshot of Rebecca. She has shoulder length straight brown hair and she's smiling at the camera.

My Background

I help people to be more comfortable in their body/mind/spirit


I’m Rebecca Davis. My training is in the Feldenkrais Method, Somatic Experiencing, and dance. I’m also a choreographer and performer with more than 25 years of experience in somatic practices, meditation, and chi gong.

Discomfort, pain, and injury not only slow you down and diminish the quality of your life, but they affect your relationships, too. I can help you to understand and change your movement patterns so they are healthier and your sensing skills are sharper. In our work together, you’ll learn how to notice the internal signals that something is off well before there’s an emergency and you’ll learn how to get back on the right track. I will help you to build agency over your own internal experience.

I’ve worked with all kinds of people in all kinds of pain, both emotional and physical. If you’re looking for relief from anxiety, back pain, plantar fasciitis, shoulder and neck pain, or you just want to move with more ease and pleasure, get in touch. I look forward to working with you!

Working together

Join me in one of my classes if you’re looking for a gentle movement practice and you have minor or no complaints.

If you’re in acute pain, recovering from an injury, or if you want support working through anxiety or a traumatic event, please book a consultation.